Saturday, 18 January 2014

HandPhone GiveAway


haa, nampak tajuk tu? best gilerr kalau dapat handphone! aku pun nak jugak join. Kalau uols pun nak join, click banner tu yerr.. Tak rugi pun kalau try kan? hikhikhik. Valid until 31 January 2014. Cepat cepatt!

aku suka yang ney =3

aku dah poke yang ney, korang ambek yang lain jer k ? hahahah! 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Getting Happy with NanoWhite


Sekarang dah pertengahan bulan Januari 2014. Ndk sangka cepat betul masa berlalu last year. So, tahun ney aku mau mulakan azam baru with new effort. Ahatsss.. Cakap pasal last year, muka aku suka tumbuh pimples time tu. Sebelum ney susah giler mau tumbuh. Pastu, kulit gelap. Demmit. Now, suka-suki ja kau mau tumbuh kan? Ughhh! So, azam aku tahun ney ialah menyahkan semua pimples di muka, memutihkan kulit and study dengan sepenuh hati.

yerr, inilah muka aku time Form3. Belum start pimples and kulit
belum gelap segelap time Form4
Ini gambar aku dengan Amiey time Raya 2013. Gelap? yes memang gelap.
FYI, pimples ada di dahi but not very clear disini yerr.
Setelah aku tengok the differences of my facial textures when I was Form 3 and Form 4, seriously I miss when I was in Form 3. Aku terlampau risau sampai satu malam tu aku ndk tidur semata-mata untuk mencari jalan penyelesaian for my face. Aku google punya google, then aku terjumpa produk NanoWhite. Aku pun bacalah review dekat blog-blog NanoWhite users and I found it works on them. Lagipun harganya affordable. So, I decided to give this baby a try.

So, here I am. NanoWhite and Hazeline
White and Natural with my dark face.
NanoWhite trial pack RM15.90. Contains Awakening Snow Wash (10ml), Polishing Renewal Exfoliator aka PRE (10ml), Omega Day Shield SPF 50++ (10ml) and Cell Moist Whitenor(5ml). Semua ney cukup untuk seminggu. Hazeline tu abaikan dulu. Aku nak buat review NanoWhite jer k? Esehh, trip cakap semenanjung kunun. Hakhakhaks!

Baru semalaman aku guna, produk ney dah tunjukkan effect yang ohsem ! Esoknya, aku datang sekolah, kawan aku puji okehh. Suka la kan kalau dipuji.. They said I'm getting fairer. Sebelum ney dorang cakap aku datang ke sekolah with dark and dull skin. Gehh, to honest dorang ney but yeah, I admit it. Since then. I started to trust this product.
So, this is me with Amiey after using NanoWhite. Snapping after
lari rentas desa. Still ohsem even after merentas desa. No editing.

p/s: I'm using 0.3mp of front camera. Samsung SIII
 mini punya. that's why hancur
Also after I'm using the trial pack.
 I bought directly at Guardian. Kalau beli dekat tempat lain selain Guardian or Watson, harga dia mahal dohh. Aku plan mau beli lagi tapi nannnnnti. So, here are the list:-
  • Awakening Snow Wash (100ml) : RM12.50
  • Polishing Renewal Exfoliator (60ml) : RM23.90
  • Omega Day Shield SPF 50++ (35ml) : RM24.50
  • Cell Moist Whitenor (40ml) : RM26.50
1. Awakening Snow Wash.
Cleanser ney adalah asas you know.. Aku akan pakai ney after aku apply PRE. Time aku cuci muka guna ney, effect dia ndk tight macam other pencuci muka. Sejuk jaa. Lepas pakai, muka rasa soft and fairer. Memang best.

2. PRE
Ney aku apply to clean my pores and to exfoliate my dead skin. Kulit aku ney payah mau terkupas even after sunburn. So, aku buntu mau use which products so I jump to this. Effectnya, kulit aku exfoliate perfectly. Dead skin tu macam rubber dust jak lepas guna. Best. This is suitable for everyday use but I only use this every three days. I apply before tidur supaya esok kulit baru yang appear.. Hikhikhik..

3. Cell Moist Whitenor.
Benda ney paling aku suka sebab texture dia light. First time pakai memang rasa greasy, but it dries softly on my face and leave a fair and soft skin. Aku suka bau dia jugak. I use this  after cuci muka. Sepatutnya guna toner dulu. Since aku belum beli toner, aku pakai je la apa yang ada. I rate this 5/5. Seriously ndk sama with other moisturizers.

4. Omega Day Shield SPF50++
Can you see the SPF value there? Yeah I love it! Paling jarang la mau jumpa day shielders with SPF50 okayy. Harga pun affordable. So, I use this after moisturise my face. Sama jugak macam moisturizer tadi, firstly it is greasy but then it  dries softly. Just dot dot onto your palm and It is enough for your whole face already. Perghh, memang jimat. The most importantly is, this cream tahan sampai berjam-jam.

I'd also give this a try to my younger sister aged 14 years old but the result was her face getting itchy. So, NanoWhite ney depends laa. Kalau ngam, oke lettew. kalau ndk ngam, you shouldn't blame on the product as it works on me and some other peoples too. Lastly, you'll never know if you did not want to try it. Now, I'm getting happy with NanoWhite. Bye-bye Alaisyah =D

FYI, my pimples getting decreases! Yeayy!!
Pink Cherry